Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It Finally Happened!

The moment that we have been waiting for has finally arrived! You know when you have preconceived expectations about a certain situation. For instance; You desire a luscious summertime treat, and when you see a scrumptious Lemon Torte setting on the counter, you have escalated hopes of deliciousness! Well, last night I experienced my first encounter of that "supreme high".

For the last 21 weeks 6 days and 17 hours and 6 minutes, I have been contemplating when I would feel the Baby Boy kick for the first time! I pictured many different scenario's of this up and coming event;

Maybe I would be strolling around a fashionable boutique attempting to fit my booty into some "regular sized" clothes, when I would feel a gentle tap on my belly, "Momma, who are you kidding! You can't squeeze into those clothes anymore" Tap, Tap on the belly.

Perhaps I would be gorging myself with many slices of Bruschetta. Then I would experience a light twitching inside my belly. "Mom, I'm full already! Quit eating so much!" A tender twitch, twitch against my tummy.

How about, I might be standing in the field watching the FB's (Farm Boy's) plow the fields, when I would feel a slight squirming within my mid-section "Don't just stand there mommy, help daddy in the field" The soft squirming was felt.

However irrational my hypothesis, I sincerely believed that this magically moment would happen at the most opportune time, when something major was taking place. Nope, mommy was wrong.

Let me set the scene: It was approximately 8:30ish in the evening, I was nestled in the comfort of my own bed (HH was still in the field diligently working). I was just finishing up on my nightly routine (I *heart* belly bars), had began reading one of my "Everything You Need To Know About A Baby, That No Other Reading Will Ever Teach You" paperback, all of my soothing instrumentals were alleviating my eardrums, when it happened: There was a full blown strategical attack against his mommas belly: WABAM! WHACK! I throw up the covers, what in tarnation just happened? Little man had definitely just made his appearance known to his mommy! It was not a sutle tingling sensation that I had anticipated, it was a full fledged show me your muscles kick!

At least we can now assume that he will be a strong Lil Farmer! His daddy was so proud! Mommy is still recovering!

Farming Fabulously

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