Thursday, March 18, 2010

My First Tooth!

For the last few weeks Baby D has been indicating all of the signs of teething. Constant drooling, wanting to put everything into his mouth, and has been on the irritable side; So we knew that a tooth was going to be popping out shortly. So last week I decided that I would coax our tiny tots tooth along. We discussed what it would be like to indulge in a magnificently moist and flavorful steak (HH is a "Meat & Potatoes Man", surely Baby D will be the same)! I realize that this approach was extremely unethical, because a infant with only one tooth could not properly chew a steak nor would his tiny digestive tract be able to fully handle it yet. But I felt as though desperate times called for desperate measures. He has since forgotten all about our steak discussion, and is now concentrating solely on a plush football that he can bite down on.

Farming Fabulously

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