Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Belated 6 Months Birthday Baby Boy....

Yesterday, Baby D turned *insert tiny tear* 6 months old! Can our baby really be a pre-toddler already? It's funny, I still enjoy reminiscing on his accomplishments thus far, and thoroughly embracing how fast he is ever changing (looking more and more like a mini-HH each day). So this post is especially for you Baby D, may you someday look back on this and reflect on our cherished times (or it could be great material for your shrink because mommy put a naked picture of you on-line).

Dear Baby D,

Listed below are all of your milestones that you have achieved in the last six months. May you continue to fully prosper at your own rate and continue to be such a pleasant young infant. We love you with all our hearts.

1. Rolling over is now quite common place
2. He looks forward to his daily food consumption and will devour any fruits/vegetables you provide to him
3. Although crawling forward would be nice, he prefers to wiggle backwards
4. Holding the bottle is done on a routine basis, but only to a certain extent
5. Two haircuts thus far is really very impressive
6. Performs regularly in his walker, moving in every direction and ripping down all of his mothers prized nick-knacks within his path
7. Extremely ticklish whenever his ribs are faintly touched (he really does not appreciate this, but causes us great humor)
8. Sleeps joyously throughout the night only waking up for one morsel at about 3:30
9. Continues to wear 18 months clothes proudly
10. Can sit up for a vast period of time before an initial plunge occurs

Baby boy you never cease to amaze us each and everyday! You are turning into a little toddler right before our very eyes. We are so grateful that you are in our lives and look forward to many more spontaneous years to come.

Lots of Love,
Farming Fabulously

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